Press Releases


November 23, 2023 Moses VB 0

The National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), wishes to inform the General Public that, it has signed a Data Sharing Agreement with the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA),aimed at validating a joint Communiqué signed earlier […]


August 27, 2020 Alieu Kallon 0

Registration of Births, Deaths, and other vital Events of Citizens and Non-Citizens Resident in Sierra Leone. Read full press release here

Position Statement of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) On Concerns raised by the Opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) relating to the Scheduled Confirmation of Registrants’ Personal Details and the Registration of the Unregistered Population in Sierra Leone.

March 24, 2020 Moses VB 0

Background: Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, before the establishment of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) Government and Development Partners realized that there was duplication, multiplicity and waste of state resources on collection and management of […]

NCRA Director-General Calls for More Support

October 1, 2019 Moses VB 0

The Director-General of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), Mohamed Mubashir Massaquoi has called on the Government of Sierra Leone to give more logistical and financial support to enable the Authority effectively carry out the […]