Background: Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, before the establishment of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) Government and Development Partners realized that there was duplication, multiplicity and waste of state resources on collection and management of data on the population of Sierra Leone. In order to address this issue, Government and its Partners in 2014 assessed the registration landscape in the country and subsequently developed a Civil Registration Reform Policy which recommended a centralized body responsible to collect and manage personal data and civil events on the population of this country. This informed the enactment of the National Civil Registration Act of 2016 – all these arrangements were done during the last dispensation.
Following the establishment of the said Act, Government established offices in all Districts in the country in order to enable the National Civil Registration Authority to effectively carry out its mandates core among which are “to maintain the national civil registration system for vital statistics at chiefdom, district, regional and national levels; [and] to maintain a register of all citizens and non-citizens resident in Sierra Leone” – See section 15 (1) (d) & (e).
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