(Monday 23 August 2021) – The Director-General of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), Mohamed Mubashir MASSAQUOI and team met with the Mano River Union (MRU) Secretary General, H.E Ambassador Medina A. Wesseh (ESQ) at the conference hall of the MRU Secretariat on 32S Fudia Terrace, Spur Loop, Wilberforce in Freetown.
The meeting requested by the MRU Secretary-General, Madam Wesseh aimed at sharing the status of the integrated CRVS and ID management system with a view to harmonizing identity information on the people’s of the MRU in the near future and to promote trade, tax administration, border security, health information management systems (HIMS), common identity among others as it obtains in Shengen countries.

Madam Wesseh further informed the DG and team that she has already held similar discussions with the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Planning and Economic Development and that initiatives like these need to be discussed further in order to attract more stakeholder contributions and actions.
In his response, the NCRA DG said the Authority has done a lot in terms of putting systems in place for CRVS, ID Management and data gathering on all vital events as and when they occur in Sierra Leone.
Mr. MASSAQUOI informed the MRU Secretary-General that further discussions will be held on same that will attract other national stakeholders like the Immigration Department, Office of the National Security (ONS), National Revenue Authority (NRA) and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS).
The DG requested for a detailed Concept Note on the objective of Madam Wesseh’s proposal for deeper understanding and further discussion.
Madam Wesseh reminded Mr. MASSAQUOI for a confirmation of a date for the two days visit of the DG’s counterpart in Liberia, who has expressed interest to visit Sierra Leone to see how the integrated CRVS and ID Management system is working in the country as Liberia works towards having similar integrated system to support public administration in their country.
*IEC Directorate, NCRA*
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